Who is a Gnostic
There is a wealth of information on the internet, as well as in historical books, that tries to define Gnostics as an “ism.” Gnostics adhere to free thought, living to seek the truth. They do not have an earthly leader or institution; The purpose of God, and quest for truth, drive and compel them. Labeling Gnostics as freethinkers has led to their being targeted in the past as heretics which will likely continue so in the future as Artificial Intelligence advances and interprets mankind as void of spiritual knowledge.
Gnostics are often ridiculed and ostracized as know-it-alls. Constantine in 325 AD called for the Council of Nicaea, which would eliminate many of the gospels that were circulating during that period. Why would the emerging institutionalized church condemn, persecute, kill, and attempt to eliminate Gnostics? Gnostics had never condemned, persecuted, or killed anyone in the name of religion. Why do the powerful fear Gnostics? The pursuit of free thought and truth should never be a threat—unless that truth liberates humanity from oppressors, manipulators and those who would do anything to maintain their earthly power and possessions. That is what differentiates those of virtue or desire.
Spiritual freedom is a gift from God, and we, as time travelers, have all the time in the universe to discover truth. Otherwise, we will continue to be enslaved by those that wish to keep us ignorant.
(“Man” relates to both male and female. “Mankind” refers to the historical tapestry of the relationship between male and female. “Woman” relates to the womb of “man” (male and female).)
Throughout history, the fundamental teachings of God have often been purposely redefined and corrupted to create ignorance, chaos, and abomination. We are kept earthly bound, lost, and separated from our spiritual path by materialism, earthly desires, and temptation. Whatever your purpose, do so with determination and conviction. We are all on our own separate paths through time. Be merciful to the ignorance of others.
Gnostics believe in being born again—or reincarnation. It would be foolish to think that we have just one life to perfect what Jesus accomplished in his 33 years as God incarnate. Jesus Christ was the God of love and compassion, unique as a perfect human being. We, too, can strive for uniqueness through gnosis. It may take many lives and eons to achieve it.
“The chicken before the egg”
The question of the beginning is asked often. This metaphor suggests that the chicken (Barbelo) existed before the Creator (God). This idea may contradict earlier Gnostic teachings, but that is the beauty of free thought. Did not the physical womb of Jesus exist before Jesus as God was formed, without a father to conceive Him? Thus, the concept propagates. We allow illuminated thought to resonate with others as revelation. If a revelation is not aligned with truth, it will not propagate. Pure thought must be a quantum force, perpetual in its motion, with a beginning and an end—only then, to begin again.
The realm of Barbelo is, in itself, both beginning and end if time were applied to it. Envisioning Barbelo is like seeing all light and all darkness. If everything was in its perfect position, there would be nothingness, by which nothing becomes the potential of something. That something was God the Creator who sparked to imagine it. To explore this further: as mortals, if we were enveloped in the brightest light, we would be blinded by it. Similarly, if we were surrounded by the darkest black, we would also be blind. Thus, Barbelo offered a canvas that mingled both light and darkness with shadows, creating form in which Him WhoIs could define everything imaginable. The Almighty fashioned a divine script or tapestry that made the Spiritual universe. In this creation, Barbelo allowed for His ego to look forward into the vastness of that which He created—”I Am.” To Be, is to be imperfect. Does a fetus know of the womb which sustains it? We honor God the Creator for that imperfection which is knowable perfection. Thus allows for its perception of itself to become form. We marvel in the miracle of us, not knowing from whence we came.
Some scholars label Gnostics as demonic-that perpetrates from not-knowing. Gnostics do not necessarily see good or evil; rather, they view these impressions as perceptions of episodic moments in time. Without the tools of gnosis, a person who must survive in a material world faces desperation of the human instinct. Jesus said, “When you trust in Me, there is nothing to fear.” Modern dictum interprets this as, “The truth shall set you free.”
God the Father?
Why “God the Father”? Isn’t the Creator simply “God”? When speaking of the manifest man, there is a trinity of mind, heart, and body. The Father represents the mind of man, the Son represents the heart of man, and the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) represents the body of man (female and male).
The Old Testament is very scientific and mathematical in its words from God, and descriptions of God. The Old Testament represents the Mind. The New Testament, revealed through Jesus Christ, represents the Heart. It introduces compassion as a balancing force to the Almighty Father, “finding” grace. The Third Testament is of the Body, which we are currently experiencing and remains written and unknow to man. Humanity is now at the beginning of this testimonial age, which will unfold over many years. In it, we must appreciate our bodies as the tabernacle of a mindful and compassionate being—one that not only walks the earth but is challenged to become better and only then granted adventures beyond this earth and solar system. We can only reach outward once we are aligned with truth as to not to burden other planetary systems with our ignorance and imperfection. Our greater Gnostic Trinity will propel us into new realms both real and imagined.