Who Am I?
3x3x3 is 27 the number of God Almighty. Yahweh’s number is 7, Yaldabaoth O is 15. Math is part of God’s prediction and formula for mankind to scientifically understand his material world. As human creatures, the trinity propagates in wonderous ways from The Father Yahweh through mankind. We have a higher consciousness which ascends to Yahweh and a lower consciousness that descends to Yaldabaoth which is connected through the ethereal world. It’s symbolized throughout history as an angel on the right shoulder and a devil on the left. We pray for guidance and protection from our guardian angel; in reality we are trying to connect to our higher consciousness which is in the ethereal realm and has counsel with other celestial beings. Yes, there is a Hierarchy in all of Heaven above and below.
There is the “elevated you” but be aware that there is also a “diminished you” that draws you to the forces of desire and chaos. We have a balance in us that is free will. To be extremely good (harmony), one also has to know diabolical hate (chaos). Our free will imprisons one while liberating the other, just as God has cast out the imprisoned Satan. There are those in Hell that want to be there and enjoy that destructive chaos which they see as their Heaven. Only those that are in chaos but drawn to the liberation of virtue are in a tortured state. We see Heaven as a good place while those in Hell see Heaven as a bad place. Understand the balance and why The Creator has sanctioned its boundaries.
The Deal in the Desert
Jesus, in preparing himself to be the human tabernacle for the Christ, who descended from the most high realm of Barbelo, sought refuge in the desert. For forty days and forty nights of fasting and prayer, Jesus made his material body so miserable, and mind-pure of thought-as to cast out his dark spiritual self. Standing before him was Lucifer. Lucifer offered Jesus, now the perfect human, all the material world could offer; a distorted salvation of damnation. Jesus willfully rebuked the outcast Lucifer and walked out of the desert as the purest human being.
Only in this form could Jesus receive the Christ through his baptism as the Messiah. Jesus, now the tabernacle of Christ, represented God The Almighty on earth as Jesus Christ.
God walked amongst us.
We likewise as humans battle between the two as Yahweh created us in his image. While societal laws may keep the danger within, our will must ultimately decide who we are and how we are purposed for the future. Love is merciful while Hate is merciless.
Your Own Star Awaits the Illuminated You