The Realm of Barbelo

We must be fearless in exploring that which is not present nor seen. It can be difficult to break from the images that traditional religions have established in our minds.  Our senses can defy our understanding of mysteries that await our attention and introduction.

God the Almighty, the architect of all, and the propagation of “I AM”, is the painter on which Barbelo allowed to construct. Thus the spiritual to material manifestation of all the universe including our world, its heaven, and its creatures. The Christ came to our earth, from The Most High, to give knowledge to mankind as Jesus. Yahweh is the creator of our consciousness in His realm and solar system. His formula is unique. We are all one with God but there is a hierarchy of all things above and below.

The Egyptians worshiped gods, though some Pharaoh worshipped just one God. They at times struggled over which deity would rule over their society and thought process. They were a great civilization for many thousands of years. One could impart that their logic-to-truth had lasting propagation.

To further the point of God versus gods. Both can be correct if one understands the beginning of consciousness in the Almighty God versus the Ego of the Creator of man.  Barbelo is the canvas on which First Thought became manifest and omnipotent. For thought to become real, one must become aware of it and then one’s presence within it to become manifest reality. When a fetus grows in a womb, it is aware of its presence of being by its heartbeat, but unaware of what surrounds it, but is comfortable in its protection.

The Almighty God is evident in Genesis, while Yahweh, who appears in the Old Testament, is viewed at times as ruthless, jealous, and commanding without compassion.

When we perceive that Yahweh is an evolving God, we better understand the Bible, Quran, Tripiṭaka, Puranasm and many other sacred texts. It reveals why Jesus descended from the realm of Yahweh as the Son of-Our Father, Who art in Heaven.

Our evolving God is imperfect but has ultimate control of all things in our world. Least we respect and worship Him. For He wants us to be single-heated and have no god stand above Him, We give Him thanks-just as Jesus did. For, without the mind, the heart can be fickle.

In the 9th hour of Jesus crucifixion,  Jesus cried out to God The Almighty, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Jesus was referring to why Christ had left him before his coming death. Just as Christ was  poured into Jesus at his baptism at the age of 30, The Christ departed before Jesus’ death, as Christ is immortal and can not experience death. Death is an instrument of Yahweh’s material creation that Jesus had to experience as the sacrificial lamb. This was not an abandonment, but a Devine completion of prophesy and purpose.

Before Jesus died on the cross, he cried out to Yahweh; “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”. Jesus, as the son of God, was instilling a knowledge of compassion that Yahweh’s creation had yet to comprehend-that love would ultimately ignite the soul.

When the body of Jesus died, there was a great earthquake. This moment was a material expression of revelation for Yahweh in the His understanding of compassion brought about by The Christ through Jesus.

Christ, the Soul of Jesus, ascended to The Almighty God and realm of Barbelo. Later, The Holy Spirit of Jesus ascending to God The Father in Heaven as the resurrection.

Eventually love through forgiveness and self sacrifice will bring all things in the universe back to The Almighty God. From nothingness came something-ness and then again.

In John Lennon’s song Imagine, we become aware of how great the imagination of thought is. While we can create our own universe in our mind, we are still bound by the formula of the Creator in this Heaven while the Creator commands unaware of the greater Heaven of Barbelo. One manifestation supersedes the other, much in the same way the Almighty God of the Universe supersedes The Creator God of our world and our materialistic existence to behold it. Understanding this relationship places Truth into alignment and the unseen will be seen.