The Awakening

The awakening of thought, without the subjugation of earthly authorities, has once again blossomed after nearly 1600 years. The Bible is an example of truth and love, but only a partial truth. It is no longer a living Bible. It has been stunted by earthly men and the institutionalized church. While the Bible has many stories of knowledge and love, it has been used as a means to impose restrictions on free thought. The Council of Nicaea and The Inquisition are examples of the church which restricted gnosis.

Some of what is read here will invoke anger and skepticism. This is the purpose of You will judge it in relation to their own path in time. It is the weaving of a tapestry of contemplation which transcends the conscious intellect. 

When one understands the nature of Jesus’ mission on earth, the Bible’s text begins to be revealed in esoteric ways. The mysteries of Jesus will no longer be alien to our consciousness as they’ve been for thousands of years. The Bible is only part of a much greater story that lay hidden and repressed from mankind.

That body of evidence that was unearth, from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi, in the last 100 years predated much of the known body of work included in today’s Bible. We now get an understanding of what Jew, Christians, and Gnostics were exploring in the years before and after Jesus’ life. The Council of Nicaea, after Bishop Irenaeus’ purging of gnostic gospel, chose to leave out much revelation which could not be understood by their generation.  That darkness of ignorance overshadowed free spiritual thought and imagination for almost 1600 years. It is now time for open expression of revelation to again allow wholly men to breathe life into its scriptures. For we are not of the dead, but are of the living and knowing.

Let us start anew

The book of Genesis explains the making of the universe by The Almighty God from the womb of Barbelo (the blank canvass of perfection). The Architect fashioned all things seen and unseen in its entirety with the mission of thought-through manifestation. The Old Testament explains Yahweh, who is imperfect and who is the God of Earth and its heavens in our solar system. All things in this realm are subject to, and under the command of Yahweh, God the Father of man. There is a clear distinction between our god Yahweh from The Almighty God of the universe. We, as creatures of Yahweh, give thanks and worship him as our Lord. He is also a vengeful god as described in the Old Testament. The Old Testament explains that the Jews are the His chosen people. Christ descended from the realm of Barbelo and was One with The Almighty God. The Christ came from above the creation of Yahweh to descend and ordain mankind, in order for us to have gnosis to ascend to the Holy Generation of the universe through His death and resurrection. Yahweh’s star will see its completion, and we will propagate to our own stars as commissioned by The Almighty God Through Jesus, The Christ. Jesus Christ forgave us of our sins and has shown us the path forward as Devine Beings of truth and perfection.

Jesus said “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do”
Yahweh replied, “You have now pierced Me as I have pierced You”

Why would Jesus have to tell God to forgive? Doesn’t an all-knowing God, know past, present and future?

The perfect man, Jesus Christ as God on Earth, enlightened Yahweh to have compassion for man. He is learning from us through Christ who sacrificed himself through Jesus in order to bring the propagation of man. Christ came from the realm of Barbelo and has a greater understanding of the universe than Yahweh, who sees himself as the only God.

The three crosses, at Jesus’ crucifixion, represent The Mind, Heart, and Body. The Old Testament representes the Mind. The New Testament enlightens the Heart through Jesus. The Third Testament, which mankind is in the process of, proclaims the Body. The good thief Dysmas represented the Mind (The Father) which steered to the Heart (Jesus). The unrepenting thief Gestas represented the Body (mortal tabernacle of the spirit), which today is still unaware of its ability to embody the Divine (Soul).

The soul comes from the higher Providence of God the Almighty. Our spirit is of this realm, within our solar system ruled by our God Yahweh, which is embodied as a creation in His image. We have Devine passage to the Almighty God though our soul and its illumination with Truth.

It was a Devine Process

The body of Jesus was the vehicle by which Jesus could dwell in Yahweh’s creation as the Holy Spirit-as God on Earth. Jesus’ ability to be a Devine being enabled him to purge his earthly representation of Yaldabaoth-which was Lucifer. Once purged, Jesus became the tabernacle of Christ or Jesus’ Soul through his baptism in the Jordan River. The Devine Soul emergence was the representative of God the Almighty to bring Devine knowledge to mankind and Yahweh.

There is balance in all things in the Kingdom and of The Father

Jesus saw the forthcoming generations and their maturing gnosis. When Jesus said to Peter, “On the rock you will be my church”, he was foreseeing the creation of the institutionalized church. Its purpose was to balance the emergence of Islam some six centuries later. We see the duality of forces in this realm. Jesus had the ability to see the Akashic record of Yahweh’s Kingdom and his movement within it.

In the gnostic gospel of Judas, Jesus makes clear that there is not only the Kingdom of the Father, which we live in, but a greater Heaven of The Lord Almighty, who has rein over all the heavens and is the Lord of Lords and all things manifest in the universe.  This is why Jesus spoke separately to Judas calling him the 13th Apostle. Judas correctly understood that Christ came from the realm of Barbelo and the Almighty God.

Christ came to redeem and anointed mankind who, in the likeness of Yahweh, is imperfect. Jesus as Christ, worked his miracles within the formula of The Father’s creation-our solar system, sun and the spirits with in). This is why Jesus, while on the cross, spoke to The Father to forgive us. We learn that there are heavens of stars, and a hierarchy which are part of a greater Universe of Spirit. There is a path forward for mankind from this Earth into the solar system, on to the galaxy, and then universe. Jesus through the Father gave us a passageway through His crucifixion and resurrection. The ultimate act of love-self sacrifice.

As emerging spirits, we are given the knowledge of a greater illumination. Understanding that in our moral compass is driven by our immortal spirit, with the ability to elevate that Devine spark in our Soul, which will elevate us to the Greater Heaven. Jesus said, we all have our own star, and must elevate ourselves with the illumination of Truth (gnosis).