
God The Almighty has no number nor name.  But we have a need to give him a number which is 27, and a name for those that have a want to know. No mortal can bind nor measure He WhoIs, no more than a fetus can measure the mother from its womb where it grows. There is no one greater to look upon the Almighty, but there is Barbelo who gives Him a perfect space to define all. For nothing mattered before, and everything matters thereafter.

Seeing Is Believing?
No, Believing Is Seeing

How does one move a spirit or speak to any great spirit? All spirits are energy. Thought is energy-its understanding of truth is what makes it powerful. One talks or moves spirits with a similar energy,  harmonic vibration or like-mindedness. There is no emotion in the spirit world but there is exalted understanding of the truth. We express that in the material world as emotion.

Emotion is energy. Heartfelt emotion is energy, mental emotion is greater, but both focused-moves spirits. How great can one become in mind, heart, and body? Greater virtue moves greater harmonic spirits. Greater desire moves greater chaotic spirits.

If you ask for something virtuous, give the spirit world time to help you. Do not rush to make things happen or you will disrupt that which is being created for you. With patience, things WILL happen. Do not obstruct what you have set in motion. The Israelites waited 40 years for their Promised Land due to their lack of faith and disobedience? The spirit world does not have the a reliance of time as does the material world. They have an eternity but will work within the time frame for your era.

In the spiritual/virtuous plane above, emotion is not heartfelt emotion. It is logical and knowing. In order to make a spiritual movement in the physical world, one has to learn to go from a mental energy of logic, to a heartfelt energy without the longing of desire or ego. This is hard for most to achieve because we are slaves to our material heartfelt pain and desire which can deceive us. Be stoic.

Negative energy from the plane below is chaotic, and as such, expresses itself in chaotic and desirable ways. It reacts or manifests in unfocused ways through others.

Our spirit and interaction with the spiritual world is much like a theater performance. Those in the spirit world are like the audience, producers, and directors. Those of us in our world are actors, and we can play out the act in a worldly manner with a prescribed  script that must be followed with a beginning, middle, and end. Judas had a divine script to play, even though it would condemn him amongst his earthly brethren. His greater purpose was for the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus which made him a main character in the redemption of man.

Just like in life, the actors become part of the play. It becomes their reality, and after the final closing curtain it is difficult to walk away. With time, we move on to another play and and a different theater. Some stages are bigger than others. Our audiences are made up of those who are like us and have been with us to find fulfillment. There is a spiritual glue that binds us through love and through our ongoing lives. If there is mutual love, then we as spirits are tethered together through time and space.

Have counsel with higher spirits. Say what you need, not what you want. When you speak the names of powerful spirits, breath in their names with your voice. When we normally speak, we exhale. Inhale and exhale your prayers to spirits.

In order to move spirits; everything within this plane relates to something in the spirit as a mental emotion or virtue. Birds, their song, or movement relate to a manifested spiritual emotion, like fleeting thoughts of inspiration. When they flock together, they relate to an inspiration that has purpose and is moving toward a destination. Everything in the material world relates to something of immeasurable wisdom in the spirit world. Each reflects something in the heavens.

The makers of history move the heavens above and below to work together. We are in play, at the center most part of the planes, between heaven and hell. We are fashioned with the ability to find Divine Providence, but there are few who understand this or know how to alchemy this processy of transformation. It is one of the great mysteries and is sealed from those who do not have the knowledge.

God The Father of this planet, and its creatures, created the math, names, and formula to dwell within it. I do not speak of the Father of The Father, or Him WhoIS immeasurable.

The formula to dwell within it. From The Secret Book of John

(These names are irrelevant unless you have a specific need to know more. A want, is not warranted. Then, go about your way.)

The first ones began by making the head:
Abron created his head
Meniggesstroeth created the brain
Asterechme the right eye
Thaspomocha, the left eye
Ieronumos, the right ear
Bissoum, the left ear
Akioreim, the nose
Banenrphroum, the lips
Amen, the front teeth
Ibikan, the molars
Basiliademe, the tonsils
Achcha, the uvulaAdaban, the neck
Chaaman, the neckbones
Dearcho, the throat
Tebar, the shoulder
Mniarcon, the elbow
Abitrion, the right arm
Evanthen, the left armKrys, the right hand
Beluai, the left hand
Treneu, the fingers of the right hand
Balbel, the fingers of the left hand
Kriman, fingernails
Astrops, the right breast
Barroph, the left breast
Baoum, the right shoulder joint
Ararim, the left shoulder joint
Areche, the bellyPhthave, the navel
Senaphim, the abdomen
Arachethopi, the right ribs
Zabedo, the left ribs
Barias, the right hip
Phnouth the left hip
Abenlenarchei, the marrow
Chnoumeninorin, the skeleton
Gesole, the stomach
Agromauna, the heart
Bano, the lungs
Sostrapal, the liver
Anesimalar, the spleen
Thopithro, the intestines
Biblo, the kidneys
Roeror, the sinews
Taphreo, the spine
Ipouspoboba, the veins
Bineborin, the arteries
Atoimenpsephei, respiration
Entholleia, the flesh
Bedouk, the right buttock
Arabeei, the penis
Eilo, the testicles
Sorma, the genitals
Gormakaiochlabar, the right thigh
Nebrith, the left thigh
Pserem, the kidneys of the right leg
Asaklas, the left kidney
Ormaoth, the right leg
Emenun, the left leg
Knyx, the right shin
Tupelon, the left shin
Achiel, the right knee
Phnene, the left knee
Phiouthrom, the right foot
Boabel, its toes
Trachoun, the left foot
Phikna, its toes
Miamai, the toenails

Those who are appointed over all these are seven in number:


Those who activate the limbs are, part by part:
the head made by Diolimodraza
the neck by Yammeax
the right shoulder Yakouib
the left shoulder Verton
the right hand Oudidi
the left Arbao
the fingers of the right hand Lampno
the fingers of the left hand Leekaphar
the right breast Barbar
the left breast Imae
the chest Pisandriaptes
the right shoulder joint Koade
the left shoulder joint Odeor
the right ribs Asphixix
the left ribs Synogchouta
the abdomen Arouph
the womb Sabalo
the right thigh Charcharb
the left thigh Chthaon
the genitals Bathinoth
the right leg Choux
the left leg Charcha
the right shin Aroer
the left shin Toechtha
the right knee Aol
the left knee Charaner
the right foot Bastan
its toes Archentechtha
the left foot Marephnounth
its toes Abrana

Greater spirits can command lesser spirits. Lesser spirits can not command greater spirits. Lesser spirits can pray to manifest or move greater spirits.

Miracles become real when they are done for others, not for egos, or one’s self. The making of miracles are birthed in a compete mental belief without a self gratifying ego. Emotion is imparted on the living for which there is a need for the miracle. Blessed are those who understand this relationship.