Conquering Death
Does one believe that in all the billions of years in the universe, this one brief moment is our total existence? We live through this one life because that is our perceived understanding within our current form. In reality, we have existed as part of the universe as conscious energy since the beginning of time.
As our understanding expands, our presence within it expands. We have evolved to the material organism of mankind that has vastly allowed for a greater expression of illumination in Yahweh’s Kingdom. Our quest is in becoming one with God Almighty and cast away our material form and spiritual ego.
Our spirit energy is like a raging fire that over time becomes focused like a laser as our virtue conquers fear while finding truth. Fear not death, as it is a beginning to a greater purpose. As it’s been for 13 billion years, you now are standing on the precipice of a greater universe because of your understanding and embodiment within it. Rejoice every day knowing that that you, will never die.
What About My Earthly Family?
Those that you love in this incarnation are part of your spiritual clan tethered to each other through grace and love. That love has binded you for as long as you have embraced each other in sacrifice. Like a string that connects through time and space. Love is the spiritual glue that keeps us together. You can reach out through to each other to connect at any time or any place instantaneously. Their higher consciousness is always reachable. NO distance separates us in the spirit world. We must develop the ability to hear without the vibrations our mortal ears are accustomed to. Listen to your inner spirit as it guides you.
A gift: If you wish to know your previous carnations, you can practice this exercise before sleep by reversing the days events. The more detailed the recall, the better you exercise this faculty. Each day keep going backwards in time though the previous week and month and onward, evermore, backwards in time. You will remember more and more details of your childhood and then your birth. Previous carnations will be revealed to you as though you are overturning stones. While some would use drugs to gain a greater understanding, a gnostic must advance their faculties naturally. No matter how many years or lives it takes. Patience is a virtue.