But For the Love of God

With all the creatures of our God The Father, humans are the only creature that was created in God’s image that can bear a Soul. All other creatures of our materialistic realm have spirits but no soul nor imagination. The soul is a gift from the Highest Host-The Father of our Father. There is a linear path with gnosis from mankind (male and female) to our Father-that which created our solar system. There are 6 levels that relate to the spirit world in our spiritual system. There is an outer level, the 7th similar to our body’s blood–brain barrier, and then three other levels above in the highest realm of Barbelo that hosts Him Who Is, the Architect, Lord of Lords, God the Almighty, the Immeasurable One. We can call these levels-Mountains. There is likewise a lower realm of levels but not equal. The lowest spirit cannot rise into the highest realm but the highest can move into the lowest as the Christ brought out those from hell. Christ is from the Highest Mountain and has access to all things. Jesus was the Spirit that met us in our earthly level and the tabernacle of Christ for three years.

I have fallen from the second highest mountain. Able to see what most cannot but untimely will. There are Shepards and sheep, but in the end, there will only be Shepards.


As a soul moves from earth to the upper levels of Heaven, its ego and self-awareness of spirit fades. The spirit, that is our energy, has been locked into the realm of The Father and Creator of our materialistic dominion. Leaving it is a self-sacrifice of shedding our identity within it, in order to ascend to the Father of our Father (upper levels of Heaven). Understanding that there is a Father of us, our sun, and solar system, and there is The Father of our universe and all things within and without it. When this is understood, the Bible and all other religious teachings become clearer. Words, and their translation have sought to clarify this truth over eons only to have generations get lost in what a word from thousands of years ago really means. This was a voluntary and involuntary occurrence and only with the illumination of gnosis will we see the truth defined.

Yahweh, our Father, is blind to the greater Heavens and has not fashioned a way for us to see a transition  to it but Christ was manifestation from the Realm of Barbelo. The Messiah, descended from the upper Mountains to ours, through Jesus, which was The Holy Spirit of the Trinity of Yahweh. Jesus was a Jew and Yahweh’s chosen people.  Christ worked through Jesus to give gnosis to Yahweh and His people. The redemption of us to one day be with the Almighty God as One. We are climbing Mountains of knowledge and Truth.