The Illumination

Yahweh was the architect of the whole universe and fashioned a system to comprehend all things within It.

We, in the imagine of God, navigate those plains of consciousness in which a hierarchy of negative and positive energy illuminate Its presence.
Barbelo is fertile. She is like a movie screen. Blank and without purpose but perfect in itself. The Creator illuminated the screen with his script with a beginning and an end.  He paints the images for others to learn from to find the purpose of Nature within It. It takes both a negative and positive energy to illuminate the the seen and unseen universe. The images from this energy are contemplated as good and evil by mortal souls. But in the realm of Barbelo there is no such judgement-just a canvas to work upon where we comprehend as our purpose in the universe.

In this formed hierarchy, there are suns of God that propagate like pixels. They propagate the screen as countless solar systems. The Creator gave us His signature to the contract of life. We, whom propagate from His manifestation, must abide by His tenets. These tenets are not mysteries but truth to those who understand God’s tapestry.

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