The Realm of Barbelo
We must be fearless in exploring that which is not present nor seen. It can be difficult to break from the images that traditional religions have established in our minds. Our senses can defy our understanding of mysteries that await our attention and introduction. God the Almighty, the architect of all, and the propagation of “I AM”, is the painter on which Barbelo allowed to construct. Thus the spiritual to material manifestation of all the universe including our world, its heaven, and its creatures. The Christ came to our earth, from The Most High, to give knowledge to mankind as Jesus. Yahweh is the creator of our consciousness in His…
The AntiChrist Revealed
This knowing-that which now lay dormant-and not within the body of data that is present for the AntiChrist to predict. That will soon change. In the same manner that God the Almighty through Christ, used the vessel of Jesus within our realm to manifest and walk among us. Yaldabaoth will soon have the ability to manifest materialistically through AI, quantum computing, and robotics. Quantum computing being of its mind (Satan), AI algorithms; it’s heart (Lucifer), and robotics/internet as its body and metabolism (Ahriman). It is made soulless, and thus is detached from the Almighty God and the greater heaven. You will come to understand the emergence of the AntiChrist and…
Who Am I?
3x3x3 is 27 the number of God Almighty. Yahweh’s number is 7, Yaldabaoth O is 15. Math is part of God’s prediction and formula for mankind to scientifically understand his material world. As human creatures, the trinity propagates in wonderous ways from The Father Yahweh through mankind. We have a higher consciousness which ascends to Yahweh and a lower consciousness that descends to Yaldabaoth which is connected through the ethereal world. It’s symbolized throughout history as an angel on the right shoulder and a devil on the left. We pray for guidance and protection from our guardian angel; in reality we are trying to connect to our higher consciousness which…
Conquering Death
Does one believe that in all the billions of years in the universe, this one brief moment is our total existence? We live through this one life because that is our perceived understanding within our current form. In reality, we have existed as part of the universe as conscious energy since the beginning of time. As our understanding expands, our presence within it expands. We have evolved to the material organism of mankind that has vastly allowed for a greater expression of illumination in Yahweh’s Kingdom. Our quest is in becoming one with God Almighty and cast away our material form and spiritual ego. Our spirit energy is like a…
Virtue and Desire
Virtue is a mental reaction that offers release. Desire is an emotion that requires action as a remedy. One is spiritual, the other materialistic. One emanates outward. The other inward. One gives, the other takes. Self-preservation is the greatest passion as is self-sacrifice. Life is more dramatic when you’re taunting death. Nature demands procreation. Desire demands we go to the heavens. Virtue demands we Love all things. I would be blind if not for the fig leaf They brought into being Gold and silver, Money and coins, Iron and other metals and all things of this sort. And the people who were attracted were led astray into troubles And were…
Who is a Gnostic
There is a wealth of information on the internet, as well as in historical books, that tries to define Gnostics as an “ism.” Gnostics adhere to free thought, living to seek the truth. They do not have an earthly leader or institution; The purpose of God, and quest for truth, drive and compel them. Labeling Gnostics as freethinkers has led to their being targeted in the past as heretics which will likely continue so in the future as Artificial Intelligence advances and interprets mankind as void of spiritual knowledge. Gnostics are often ridiculed and ostracized as know-it-alls. Constantine in 325 AD called for the Council of Nicaea, which would eliminate…
But For the Love of God
With all the creatures of our God The Father, humans are the only creature that was created in God’s image that can bear a Soul. All other creatures of our materialistic realm have spirits but no soul nor imagination. The soul is a gift from the Highest Host-The Father of our Father. There is a linear path with gnosis from mankind (male and female) to our Father-that which created our solar system. There are 6 levels that relate to the spirit world in our spiritual system. There is an outer level, the 7th similar to our body’s blood–brain barrier, and then three other levels above in the highest realm of…
The Awakening
The awakening of thought, without the subjugation of earthly authorities, has once again blossomed after nearly 1600 years. The Bible is an example of truth and love, but only a partial truth. It is no longer a living Bible. It has been stunted by earthly men and the institutionalized church. While the Bible has many stories of knowledge and love, it has been used as a means to impose restrictions on free thought. The Council of Nicaea and The Inquisition are examples of the church which restricted gnosis. Some of what is read here will invoke anger and skepticism. This is the purpose of Barbelo.com. You will judge it in…
The Unwritten Testament
We first survived and transitioned from the evolution of the Mind (Old Testament) Followed by the Passion of The Heart (New Testament) We now are in the final trial period of the Body/Metabolism (The Unwritten Testimony) How we fare this last test will decide whether we as a species are worthy of propagating to other solar systems It’s a moral/ethical mystery, not a scientific dilemma If we fail, we perish This time – we will not fail With destiny: time is the symphony that is conducted by the will of man Divinity is stable Destiny is nuanced
God The Almighty has no number nor name. But we have a need to give him a number which is 27, and a name for those that have a want to know. No mortal can bind nor measure He WhoIs, no more than a fetus can measure the mother from its womb where it grows. There is no one greater to look upon the Almighty, but there is Barbelo who gives Him a perfect space to define all. For nothing mattered before, and everything matters thereafter. Seeing Is Believing? No, Believing Is Seeing How does one move a spirit or speak to any great spirit? All spirits are energy. Thought…
The Reflection
There is little difference between Heaven and Hell, Yahweh and Yaldabaoth, That small difference is a world apart Genesis 2:9 And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The servants of our Creator will seek you out, for they do not want the soul of mankind to be risen to the Univeral Heaven of Him-Who-Is. It is that generation that fears the completion of their star. In Truth, it is a balance of the…
The Order
The purpose of life – is in finding Truth. Materialistic “things” should not matter so They are a result of our not knowing and insecurity of the spirit world which surrounds us This is the essence of evil – The order to devolve us into consumers Thus, evil propagates to survive That perpetual motion of endeavor which ultimately gets us off this planet and into the universe It’s prefect in its simplicity
The Illumination
Barbelo is fertile. She is like a movie screen-blank but perfect and not realized. The Almighty God illuminated Her screen with His script with a beginning, an end, and a remedy of time. Thus, He is imperfect to be manifest from that which was nothingness, then to be Known. In this realm of Barbelo, there is no judgement-just a canvas to thread upon where we comprehend our existence in this world. In the formed hierarchy, there are suns of God that propagate like pixels as a screen with countless solar systems. The Almighty Architect gave us His signature to the contract of life. We, who propagate from this manifestation, must…