• Who is a Gnostic

    There is a host of information on the internet, as well as past books in history, that try to define a Gnostics an “ism”.  Gnostics adhere to free thought, living to find the truth. Gnostics do not have an earthly leader or institution. God, and the quest for truth, is what drives and compels a Gnostic. Labeling Gnostics as freethinkers has targeted them in the past and will do so in the future. Having been raised within the church and I was Confirmed a Roman Catholic at 15, and at the age of 23 no longer committed to attending church. I was compelled to seek truth outside the institutionalized church…

  • The Awakening

    Christ said “Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do” God replied “You have pierced Me as I have pierced You. All Is Forgiven” Why would Jesus have to tell God to forgive? Doesn’t an all-knowing God, having created the Universe, know past, present and future? In essence, isn’t the perfect man, “Jesus Christ” as God on Earth, enlightening The Creator to have compassion for man? The Creator is learning through us as our teacher Jesus Christ. He sacrificed himself to bring order to the propagation of man. Jesus Christ came from the realm of Barbelo and had a greater understanding of our path forward. Yes, the chicken…

  • The Unwritten Testament

    We first survived and transitioned from the evolution of the Mind (Old Testament) Followed by the Passion of The Heart (New Testament) We now are in the final trial period of the Body/Metabolism (The Unwritten Testimony) How we fare this last test will decide whether we as a species are worthy of propagating to other solar systems It’s a moral/ethical mystery, not a scientific dilemma If we fail, we perish This time – we will not fail

  • The Order

    The purpose of life – is in finding Truth. Materialistic “things” should not matter so They are a result of our not knowing and insecurity of the spirit world which surrounds us This is the essence of evil – The order to devolve us into consumers Thus, evil propagates to survive That perpetual motion of endeavor which ultimately gets us off this planet and into the universe It’s prefect in its simplicity

  • The Illumination

    Yahweh was the architect of the whole universe and fashioned a system to comprehend all things within It. We, in the imagine of God, navigate those plains of consciousness in which a hierarchy of negative and positive energy illuminate Its presence. Barbelo is fertile. She is like a movie screen. Blank and without purpose but perfect in itself. The Creator illuminated the screen with his script with a beginning and an end.  He paints the images for others to learn from to find the purpose of Nature within It. It takes both a negative and positive energy to illuminate the the seen and unseen universe. The images from this energy…