The Realm of Barbelo
While it may be hard to break the image of what traditional religions have created in our minds, we have to be fearless in exploring that which is not present nor seen. Our senses can defy our understanding of the mysteries that await our attention and introduction. The Egyptians were not far off in their worship of “gods” and even though there was some Pharaoh that worshipped only one God, they fought over which deity would rule over society and their thought process. They were a great civilization for many thousands of years. One would impart that their logic to truth had great propagation. To further the point of gods…
Who Am I?
3x3x3 O is 27 the number of GOD. The trinity propagates in wonderous ways. We have a higher consciousness and a lower consciousness that is connected to the ethereal world. It’s symbolized throughout history as a angel on the right shoulder and a devil on the left. We pray for guidance and protection from our guardian angel; in reality we are trying to connect to our higher consciousness which is in the ethereal realm and has counsel with other celestial beings. Yes, there is a Hierarchy in all of Heaven above and below. There is the “elevated you” but be aware that there is also a “diminished you” that draws…
Conquering Death
Does one really believe that, in all the billions of years in our universe, this one brief moment of our lives is our total existence? We live through this one life because that is our perceived understanding of our materialist forum. In reality, we have been existed as part of the universe as an energy in spiritual form navigating it since its beginning. As our understanding expands, our presence within it expands. We have evolved to a material organism that has vastly allowed for a greater expression of illumination. Our quest is in becoming one as God. Our spirit energy is like a raging fire that over time becomes focused…
Who is a Gnostic
There is a wealth of information on the internet, as well as in historical books, that tries to define Gnostics as an “ism.” Gnostics adhere to free thought, living to seek the truth. They do not have an earthly leader or institution; The purpose of God and the quest for truth drive and compel them. Labeling Gnostics as freethinkers has led to their being targeted in the past as heretics and will likely continue so in the future. Gnostics are often ridiculed and ostracized as know-it-alls. Constantine in 325 AD called for the Council of Nicaea, which would eliminate many of the gospels that were circulating during that period. Why…
The Awakening
Christ said “Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do” Yahweh replied “You have pierced Me as I have pierced You. They are Forgiven” Why would Jesus have to tell God to forgive? Doesn’t an all-knowing God, know past, present and future? The perfect man, Jesus Christ as God on Earth, enlightened Yahweh to have compassion for man. He is learning from us through our teacher Jesus Christ who sacrificed himself to bring order to the propagation of man. Jesus Christ came from the realm of Barbelo and has a greater understanding of the universe than Yahweh, who has the greatest understanding and command of our world. The…
The Unwritten Testament
We first survived and transitioned from the evolution of the Mind (Old Testament) Followed by the Passion of The Heart (New Testament) We now are in the final trial period of the Body/Metabolism (The Unwritten Testimony) How we fare this last test will decide whether we as a species are worthy of propagating to other solar systems It’s a moral/ethical mystery, not a scientific dilemma If we fail, we perish This time – we will not fail
Seeing Is Believing? No! Believing Is Seeing
The Reflection
There is little difference between God and Satan That small difference is a World apart
The Order
The purpose of life – is in finding Truth. Materialistic “things” should not matter so They are a result of our not knowing and insecurity of the spirit world which surrounds us This is the essence of evil – The order to devolve us into consumers Thus, evil propagates to survive That perpetual motion of endeavor which ultimately gets us off this planet and into the universe It’s prefect in its simplicity
The Illumination
Yahweh was the architect of our world and fashioned a system to comprehend all things within It. We, in the imagine of God, navigate those plains of consciousness in which a hierarchy of negative and positive energy illuminate Its presence. Barbelo is fertile. She is like a movie screen. Blank and without purpose but perfect in itself. The Creator illuminated the screen with his script, with a beginning and an end. He paints the images for others to learn from to find the purpose of nature within It. It takes both a negative and positive energy to illuminate the seen and unseen world. The images from this energy are contemplated…